Life Plan


After high school I definitely have lots of options on where I want to go towards my life goals. I plan to go to college probably at Mira Costa. I’m going to major in computer science because everything is involved with technology in the world. Two years of schooling and hopefully transferring to a state or California state school. I’d study Computer Science because it opens all types of doorways for jobs and opportunities. I really have an interest in becoming a California Highway Patrol Officer like my father before me. It would take a lot of effort and focus to pass the written and physical test. I’d go to an academy from 6-9 months in Sacramento if I make it all the way through.

Emotional Wellness is really important if I want to become a police officer. I’d be stressing and on high alert all the time so it will be helpful to find hobbies that help relieve stress. I don’t want to be distracted while I’m on the job because something bad can happen in a matter of seconds. Plus, I’d have to stay healthy emotionally so my mind isn’t full of stress from my personal life. That could be a huge distraction when it comes to keeping my focus on a dangerous job. With a fast paced job like this, you have to be awake and not slumped from the day before. You have to put all your personal emotions away and focus on the task at hand.

I know going to the movies, playing video games, hanging with friends/family, and just having off days will help relieve some stress. Whether its staying at home and watching movies or going out to the movie theaters, it would be a stress reliever from personal and work life. Video Games are always a way for me to escape reality and go into a virtual reality game which helps take away my real life problems for a bit. Spending quality time with my friends and family will help me see that I don’t have to stress as much over the small problems in my life. Days to yourself are always good because it gives you time to think about your life and makes you think of every possible solution to every one of your problems.

Environmental Wellness is such a big part of my future. My future home has to be welcoming, have nerd memorabilia, good food, have a safe feeling to anyone who enters, and most of all feel like home. Having a good and stable environment can make such a difference in someone’s life. If someone has an unhealthy environment then it can affect the person with depression and other health issues. Someone who grew up with a good environment could potentially feel more relaxed and stress free at home. I grew up in a healthy home so I would want to make sure my home was healthy as well. The environment outside plays a big part because of pollution and global warming. I will always recycle bottles and cans like I do already today. I won’t litter and will also help pick up trash wherever I go like I do now on campus. I might even consider buying an eco-friendly car to help with the fuel efficiency.

My work environment also has to be healthy. I need to be able to count on my partner and the people at the office too. We basically would be putting our lives in each others hands. It needs to be clean and organized or else I will not be able to feel relaxed at the office. What also helps is having a nice environment with friends. You have to surround yourself with people who make you happy and bring positivity into your life. You can’t have a good day and then your “Best Friend” ruin it with negativity.

Occupational Wellness is probably the biggest part of my life plan. I’m going into computer science but I will be training for the academy at the same time. When I am done with computer science, I will see if I want to go into that field or not. I could even try and get an internship with Sony Computer Entertainment because I know the Visual Arts Director. I’ve been to the office a couple of times and it was the most fun I’ve ever had. If i don’t like the computer science field then I will become an officer. My dream was always to be a police officer like my dad but I wanted to make video games as well. I just need a 4 year degree in computer science. If I go to school anywhere in California then it is already free. My dad has a percentage for one of his injuries for the military so I qualified for the CalVet program. Computer Science will cover all types of fields and possible jobs I can have. They will go over game development, game design, and game programming. If I do not want to pursue that field then I will apply to CHP and other local police offices. Treyarch is the development studio that makes some of the best Call of Duty games. My backup plan will either be the video game design or becoming a police officer. It just depends on if I like the content covered in the computer science classes.

My social life isn’t the greatest because I am very socially awkward. Ninth and tenth grade I was very shy and kept to myself. Being in the PLA has opened me up to come out of my shell. I joined the school news which is huge for me because I would have never done that ever. Eleventh and twelfth grade made me more open to talking to people. Presentations in class made me realize that I can trust people to listen and be engaged in whatever I am talking about. Going to functions with my parents or friends always helps to open me up. I am always shy at first but then I start to spread away from my original group and start to mingle with others.

The past couple of years I have volunteered with helping “Karsyn’s Krew”. My mom’s friend’s daughter has cystic fibrosis and every year she does fundraisers to help raise money for a cure. I waitress at Applebee’s for a breakfast fundraiser in the middle of March, I do the walk with my mom, and other events that she does to help raise money. It is definitely an eye opening experience because I am more fortunate than I realize. It saddens me to think about Karsyn because she is the sweetest and cutest little girl you will ever meet but the sickness takes over. She gets sick a lot and everytime it’s scary because she can’t get too sick or complications will start to happen.

If I do end up becoming a police officer like my dad then I have to stay in peak condition. I need to be able to stay fit and eat healthy which my current self is not the best at. I eat junk food and drink monsters for breakfast. So, I would need to start eating certain foods that don’t have fat but that have protein. I need to get rid of the candy, chips, and soda. That will be very hard because soda is my favourite beverage to drink. Candy is my favourite food to snack on for any occasion.

I would need to go to the gym to reduce the percentage of body fat I have. It would also help to do some weights to get my strength back from when I was athletic in sports.


How to Play Call of Duty: Zombies

Call of Duty: Zombies 

Do you know how to play Call of Duty Zombies? If not, I’ll teach you! 

You will either need a PlayStation, Xbox, PC, or even a mobile device. Plus you need to purchase either “Call of Duty: World at War”, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 1”, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2”, or “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3”.
When you get to the main loading screen of the game, you choose the category “Zombies”. Then you will see the list of maps to choose from. Anyone that you choose will take you to a loading screen before you get put in the map.

When you start, it’s important to know that you have a starting off pistol with a couple of rounds in it already. You must keep the wooden barriers on the door to keep the zombies out. I recommend to buy the perk-a-cola called “Quick Revive”.

You should rack up the points before opening the first door to go more into the map. You buy guns, ammo, perks, traps, grenades, the mystery box, and the pack-a-punch from killing zombies or rebuilding the barriers. 


1. Buy perks

2. Build up your points

3. Pack-a-Punch your weapons

4. Use the Mystery Box 

5. Kill as many zombies as you can

Pet Health Benefits in Seniors

Pet Health Benefits in Seniors

During the processes of our research we learned that pets are not just a cuddly companion but, they are great for seniors emotional, mental and physical health.

We chose this topic because we both love pets and thought it would be great to see if there was any benefits of having pets for seniors. So what are the benefits of pets for seniors?

The first step in our project was to create a graphic organizer that’s when we came up with the different ideas we had about where are research project could go.

To create our research paper we started with looking up the different benefits of having pets. We even looked into the different types of pets you could have. We also look into what having a pet does to senior citizens. We searched the internet for different websites and sources trying to find any information relevant our topic.

To create the brochure it took only two steps. The first step was to take the information from the research paper and translate it into an easy read that everyone can understand. The second step was to add pictures to our brochure to make it more appealing to the audience.

The next thing we had to do was create a poster board so we can present it to the senior citizens at the center. The process was fairly simply. We printed out some pictures and put them on the boards. We technically made our brochure but just super sized it.

To finish the project we will present to our local senior citizens home. Hopefully we can inform them about the benefits of having a pet. We even want to look into foundations that do functions with pets. We would like the seniors to be able to have pet time with some of the most loving pets that can be offered.  

We learned that having a pet can lower stress, blood pressure and can even lower depression. This can have a bigger impact on seniors. It even affects the pets as well. It lowers stress for them and even helps with tiring them out.

Trigonometry with Right Triangles

Trigonometry with Right Triangles

I learned more about trigonometry. I was never good with geometry so I never understood the sides and how you reach 180 degrees. I was glad we went over this and still go over this chapter. This section has made me become more familiar with the basic understanding of trigonometry. I would like to go even deeper into this section to learn all aspects of it.