Pet Health Benefits in Seniors

Pet Health Benefits in Seniors

During the processes of our research we learned that pets are not just a cuddly companion but, they are great for seniors emotional, mental and physical health.

We chose this topic because we both love pets and thought it would be great to see if there was any benefits of having pets for seniors. So what are the benefits of pets for seniors?

The first step in our project was to create a graphic organizer that’s when we came up with the different ideas we had about where are research project could go.

To create our research paper we started with looking up the different benefits of having pets. We even looked into the different types of pets you could have. We also look into what having a pet does to senior citizens. We searched the internet for different websites and sources trying to find any information relevant our topic.

To create the brochure it took only two steps. The first step was to take the information from the research paper and translate it into an easy read that everyone can understand. The second step was to add pictures to our brochure to make it more appealing to the audience.

The next thing we had to do was create a poster board so we can present it to the senior citizens at the center. The process was fairly simply. We printed out some pictures and put them on the boards. We technically made our brochure but just super sized it.

To finish the project we will present to our local senior citizens home. Hopefully we can inform them about the benefits of having a pet. We even want to look into foundations that do functions with pets. We would like the seniors to be able to have pet time with some of the most loving pets that can be offered.  

We learned that having a pet can lower stress, blood pressure and can even lower depression. This can have a bigger impact on seniors. It even affects the pets as well. It lowers stress for them and even helps with tiring them out.