Standing with the Blue

Standing with the blue

People across America have started turning their backs on the people in blue. The people that were once trusted and praised for their heroics and bravery.

Blue Lives Matter Flag

Blue Lives Matter Flag

The media has blown these incidents out of proportion and have even been untruthful to the public. They have been showing and telling the people what they want to hear about the police.

The heroes in blue weren’t always liked by everyone of course. Drug dealers, criminals, gang bangers, and other bad groups were raised and taught to be against police officers. Some initiations for gangs are to kill the “pigs”.

Growing up in the 21st century and being introduced to new technology where people around the world are able to record and upload videos has definitely taken off. Not all times it’s for good purposes or for funny videos. People have used social media and the internet to promote a group called “Black Lives Matter”. The group was founded and formed in July of 2013. The sole purpose is to abolish the police to take power back to the citizens.

The media keeps certain aspects or events that happen during the incidents from the public. They don’t show the full video recordings, the full police report, or show the entire story. They edit and cut the footage to make the people rise up against law enforcement.

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On August 9th, 2013 the movement started with a couple of protesters due to the killing of Mike Brown, an unarmed black man. Darren Wilson, a local officer from Ferguson, Missouri, was sent to a call of a “robbery in progress”. According to the police report, Mike Brown had just got done robbing a convenience store with two companions. They took simple food items and Brown even manhandled the store owner when he tried to stop them. Officer Wilson saw the three of them walking based on the descriptions that were given to him by the dispatcher. He asked them to pull over to the sidewalk since they had been walking in the middle of the street. They weren’t complying so he called for backup while pulling over to block the driving lanes.

Wilson tried to get out of his SUV but was forced back into his car by Brown. He then reached inside the SUV to punch and grab Officer Wilson. Witness accounts said that Wilson reached out of the car to grab Brown by the neck or that Brown was never near the car. The autopsy shows that Brown didn’t have any hand marks and his DNA was shown to be inside the police car.

Officer Wilson struggled with keeping his gun because Brown had been fighting him for it. The gun was set off while the bullet went through Brown’s hand. Brown ran and was chased by Officer Wilson down the street from the incident. It was said that Wilson shot Brown in the back several times. It was then confirmed that he did not shoot him in the back due to no open back wounds. He had shot him 6-8 times throughout this whole encounter. Some in his hand and arm but the bullet that killed Brown went to the Apex of his head.

Many people had said false accounts about Brown surrendering with his hands up or even Wilson punching Brown. They could not use them as witnesses because of their continually changing stories, wasn’t consistent with the details, and the encounters didn’t match up with DNA and evidence.

People recorded Brown on the floor and Wilson with the gun up. The media only showed that and left out important parts of the story to hide what Brown really did. Protesters broke out and started riots in Ferguson. They destroyed their own town and started fires. Police made riot lines to try and control the violence from the “Black Lives Matter” rioters. Now at protests and marches they say the phrase “Hands up, don’t shoot.”

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani gave a speech at the Republican National Convention stating, “When they come to save your life, they don’t ask, if you are black or white. They just come to save you!” It is very true. They get called to help someone in need and don’t care what you look like. Every time they go to work, they know there is a chance that they won’t make it home at the end of the day. They are trained to sacrifice themselves for the people and keep the peace.

Police officers aren’t the bad guys.


Blue Lives Matter Flag

Blue Lives Matter Flag

One thought on “Standing with the Blue

  1. Outstanding job on this post and your presentation Tabby. You included embedded links of in-text citation and cited images. I like the way you used color to bring your point home. I’m glad you and Rickey were able to collaborate on something that is close to your hearts!

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